Teach All Reach All

Teach All Reach All


Is the achievement gap for students with disabilities in your school unchanging? We provide professional development sessions and coaching to develop the practice of educators and yield positive student outcomes. Below are some of our most popular sessions.  All sessions are available in-person, virtually, or a combination of both.  Our services are customized to meet your specific needs. Contact us for more information!

Special Educator Playbook, teachallreachall.org
Special Educator Playbook

How can your special education team refine their practices? As a cohort, we will meet throughout the year as well as participate in individual coaching to further evolve the skills and knowledge of the special education team.  All topics within a special educator’s role will be addressed, providing them with a playbook of tools and strategies to be even more effective!

Structured Literacy
Specially Designed Instruction Overview

What is specially designed instruction (SDI)?  In this interactive session, special education teachers will be able to define SDI, recognize the common misperceptions about it, identify examples of SDI, and refine their instructional planning to ensure SDI is occurring daily.  Multiple resources with research-based strategies will be shared.

Explicit Instruction
Explicit Instruction

Students with disabilities require explicit instruction, but what does that exactly mean?  Participants will learn about and see in action the critical components of explicit instruction, as well as High Leverage Practices, and be able to implement them to ensure student progress.

Refining your SDI Administrator Special Education Toolkit, teachallreachall.org
Refining Your SDI

You’ve got the IEP...so what’s next?  How do you determine SDI to ensure student progress?  In these interactive sessions, special education teachers will unpack SDI to determine what makes specially designed instruction ‘special.’  Using High Leverage Practices in instruction and a shared SDI Toolkit, teachers will collaborate to analyze their student IEP goals and take their SDI to the next level. Everyone will walk away with renewed confidence in planning and implementing their SDI!

Writing Effective Standards-Based IEPs, teachallreachall.org
Writing Effective Standards-Based IEPs

How do we develop a well-written standards-based IEP?  These sessions will support teachers in writing a standards-based IEP, focusing on how to effectively address the student's specific needs within the Present Levels, Goals, Accommodations, and Services.  By the end of the sessions, participants will be able to develop a standards-based IEP with all the necessary components based on data.

Getting Started with Co-Teaching, teachallreachall.org
Getting Started with Co-Teaching

What is the best way to begin co-teaching?  From staff mindset to teacher training to effective scheduling, this interactive session will provide you with the tools you need to foster an inclusive climate to ensure student progress. If you’re ready to shift to a more inclusive school culture, whether it’s starting within one grade or the whole school, this session is the best place to start.

Maximizing Co-Teaching, teachallreachall.org
Maximizing Co-Teaching

How can we maximize both teachers to meet the needs of all learners? Through interactive session(s), co-teachers will learn about roles and responsibilities, the 3 high-yield models of co-teaching, co-planning tips, and effective instructional strategies. Differentiated options are available for novice and veteran co-teaching teams.

Student Engagement in the Co-Taught Class, teachallreachall.org
Student Engagement in the Co-Taught Class

How can we ensure high levels of student engagement in our co-taught class?  Several strategies to ensure simultaneous student engagement, including assistive technology, will be addressed in the interactive session(s).  Everyone will gain effective, research-based strategies to implement immediately!

Maximizing Instructional Time, teachallreachall.org
Maximizing Instructional Time

Can we get more instructional time? Absolutely! This session will give tips and strategies to make the most of your time with students for instruction. This is helpful for any teacher who wishes for more time in the instructional day! 

Scaffolding Instruction in the Co-Taught Class, teachallreachall.org
Scaffolding Instruction in the Co-Taught Class

A special educator’s major role is delivering explicit instruction; is this happening in your co-taught class? In the interactive session(s), teachers will learn the structure and components of explicit instruction and identify implementation strategies within various co-teaching models.  Novices and veterans will gain effective strategies that can be implemented tomorrow!

Structured Literacy
Structured Literacy

What is the best way to teach literacy to struggling readers? The interactive session(s) will focus on the research-proven strategies to build students’ literacy skills and close the achievement gap.  The instructional techniques in this session are also effective for students with dyslexia. Lesson plan templates and multiple resources will be shared for teachers to utilize in their instructional practices. 

Administrator Special Education Toolkit, teachallreachall.org
Administrator Special Education Toolkit
Do you feel you have areas of growth when it comes to special education?  The session(s) will address utilizing an IEP draft review process, how to review an IEP draft and give effective feedback, examples and non-examples of SDI, and what to look for in an effective co-taught class in order to provide meaningful feedback and support. A Special Education Toolkit will be provided.